Friday, 8 June 2012

Trending: Skinny ankle strap heels

Ankle strap heels have become wardrobe staple. Here are a few that I've spotted online for the new season. I'd say ankle strap heels are best suit the sports luxe trend, and can be worn both during the day and in the evening. An ideal outfit would be skinny jersey track bottoms, a brightly coloured jersey tee and a bomber jacket.
1. Cara Leopard Strap Slim Heels

What type of footwear are you fond of this season?

Bianca x


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. These all are so amazing........................visit our sites for getting high heels on another stylish trendy footwear or clothes.

  3. This blog is very well written and I appreciate your efforts.. Keep up the good work.

  4. Very very interesting blog. I read this blog. Thank you for making this blog...

  5. nice post and images. awesome collection i love it

  6. these shoes makes justice... style nd comfy
