Friday, 10 May 2013 business cards for bee's hive

I ordered free sample business cards from to see what their service offered. I never have thought about getting business cards for my blog, as I wasn't sure I needed them but since I'm thinking of attending blogger events soon I thought it would be beneficial to have at least a couple on me just in case.

I've heard a lot of good things about moo so I went online to make cards up last week. Looking through the sample designs I spotted some creative and quirky designs but I settled for something simpler using text and the dotted template design. One the reverse are my details, blog url and a short description of what the blog contains.

It was hard to decide on just one colour so I chose 10 that I liked to see how they all looked once printed. I chose to print on classic matte laminate card, this gives it a thick feel with a nice smooth finish. I'm happy with the results.

Do you have business cards for your blog? Tell me where you got them

Bianca x

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  1. These are super cute, I want to get business cards too!

    Efia @ Effy Talks Life


  2. Hi Bee, I really like Moo business cards.
    They offer great quality. Zazzle are also good for personalising and making it look original.
    I would recommend these to anyone.
    LiLi Xx
